Monday, May 20, 2013

St Lucie Lock to Stuart to Wabosso Island 5/18-19/13

05/18:  Since we were docked at the St. Lucie River Lock Campground about ¼ mile from lock gate, I just called lock on radio at 0955, was told to “come on down” so we were away at 1000 for the short (8.5 mile, 1:45 hour) trip to Loggerhead Marina in Stuart, FL.  Yes, it was a short day but gave us a chance to fill up the big tank, pump out the small smelly one, do laundry& clean up the boat.  Later that afternoon Bonnie’s cousin arrived. Ed Martin,  his wife, Gloria, son & daughter-in-law and their 3 kids plus a friend.  Ed and Gloria were visiting his son et al in Plantation, FL (near Ft. Lauderdale) and they drove up for the day. Needless to say, all wouldn’t fit on board at one time, so we did a “home tour” of the boat and then adjourned to the Marina pool (good entertainment for Paige and Everett) & lounge (that’s is why we chose Loggerhead in 1st place).  We had a very good meal right at the Marina.  I had Crab Cakes & they were as delicious as anything I’ve had on the Chesapeake. Within a mile we had left Old Florida and were back into New Florida, land of huge, jaw dropping homes, yachts, condo high rises, BIG yachts-you get the picture! This journey continues to be not only a geography lesson but also a cultural one-of our own country.  Loggerhead is part of a large Marina/Condo complex, thus very nice. Trawler next to us was from St Ignace MI! Thoroughly enjoyed sharing time with Ed and Gloria and family. I hadn’t seen Chris since 1989 when we (Elizabeth, Melissa, Meg-niece and Bryan-nephew) made our grand tour of the western US. Meeting new friends and visiting with family and friends along the way enhances this Loop adventure. When I look at our Loop map, am amazed at the distance we have traveled so far.
St Lucie Lock spectator

Wonder what happens when he hooks a gator?

DYI waterfront living

New Florida

Old Florida

Chris and Brooke Martin
Parker, Everett and Paige

Ed, Everett, Chris Martin
Stuart happens to be in Martin County :)

Patiently awaiting our return-like their Florida Cut aka Lion's Cut

05/19:  Left Loggerhead at 1110.  We were about 8 miles from the Intercoastal Waterway, the mostly inland, protected by barrier islands, route north.  The ICW starts in Key West at Mile Marker 1243, and ends at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia at MM 0.  I mention this because just under an hour after we left Loggerhead we turned to a compass course of 358 degrees (almost due north.  That marked our completion of the third of the four “legs” of the Loop.  We started with the northern leg, heading west on the Great Lakes. The second leg, western, was south on L. Michigan and the western rivers (Illinois, Mississippi, Ohio, Cumberland, Tennessee, Tombigbee Waterway and the Black Warrior & Mobile Rivers.  The third, southern leg, was eastbound from Mobile Bay on the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic.  When we made the turn (roughly the halfway point in our cruise plan) we had traveled just over 4,200 miles.  Only about 4,200 more to go.  My early morning, before the heat of the day hit, was to bike to Publix for fresh produce reprovisioning-about 1.7 miles away. First challenge was unlocking the bikes, which hadn’t been done since we hit salt water. Needless to say the lock was salt incrusted. So off Bill went to find bolt cutters J. Next concern was will the gears work with all the salt—we have been hosing everything with fresh water when we’d arrive in a marina but this salt is a pain when used to the fresh water of the Great Lakes. After spraying with good ole WD40, Off I went with my GPS talking me the way. Downside was “her” way had me going on US1 L. So, for the return I looked at the map, saw side streets and figured “she’d” adjust her route. She did, sort of. Unfortunately there were so many SW labeled streets, I missed mine and took a very lovely 3 mile tour of waterside neighborhoods! Back at the Elissa II I gave Bill the groceries and headed for a shower! OMG, the boat traffic on the St Lucie River heading for the ICW was incredible. We both wondered how many barrels of oil are used on a weekend day in Florida waters! Traffic, and resulting wakes, calmed as storms threatened all around us. Found a nice anchorage near Wabosso Island, shared it with a sloop from Victoria BC. Dinner: Spicy Bayou dinner salad with grilled shrimp, beef strips, romaine, grape tomatoes, onion, shaved Swiss cheese and Salsa Ranch dressing followed by Carmel chocolate chip gelato (which fortunately didn’t melt on my extended return from Publix).

One way to make $$ for boat expenses!

A spoil island--made from sand dredged to make ICW

Sloop from BC

Spicy Bayou Shrimp on the grill

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