Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tarpon Springs to Maximo Park, St Petersburg 4/25/13

04/25:  Had a leisurely morning, long walk for dogs, pumped out holding tank then moved boat to commercial fuel dock just up the river.  Filled up with diesel at $3.53/gal, best price we have seen since we bought the boat and only once before on the loop did we find it under $4.00.  Under way at 1100 for an easy cruise of 45 miles to an anchorage off the beach of Maximo Park, St Petersburg, arrived and anchor set at 1645.  Shortly after leaving Tarpon we entered the Gulf ICW at its northern terminus and will be on the GICW all the way to Ft Meyers.  It was like stepping into a time wrap, thrust into an unfamiliar future where we left “Old Florida” and entered the rest of the state.  The contrast between the two is striking.  Waterways are lined w/mile after mile of million $ homes, boat traffic on weekday was heavy and the horizon always had another large city upon it.  Frankly I enjoyed the visual experience more on the north.  Upon entering the anchorage, we saw our first derelict boats---anchored, abandoned (at least I hope so as they do not look very habitable except for the Cormorants. Real fixer uppers for potential sailors! While Bill fueled up, I walked over to the Seafood Market and purchased grouper and crab cakes for tonight and tomorrow ‘s dinners! Oh my goodness, the contrast between Old Florida and the rest of the State is amazing. Had seen lovely homes with $$$ water toys and mega $$ yachts. Before entering this leg of the ICW but not in such profusion as here. Will have an album of homes, yachts and water toys! Dinghied the girls to the beach….was low tide and silly me thought all FL beaches were white sand or crushed shell. We got off in ankle deep water, in sea grass, which transitioned to muddy sand—my favorite! That said, once ashore explored the park on its lovely nature preserve walking trails…and found a perfect dinghy dock for tomorrow morning’s walk. Dinner: Pan seared Grouper with Mediterranean rice and beans and tossed green salad.

Maximo Anchorage

One way to see Tampa Bay

Was this a retirement gift?

Sunset over Maximo Point

Mediterranean Grouper

Cormorant Motel


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