Thursday, April 25, 2013

Crystal River to Tarpon Springs 4/24/13

04/24:  This is how a day’s cruise should be:  Clear, cool light breezes from favorable directions, not a cloud in the sky.  Left Crystal River (after a two night stay) and arrived 71 miles later, in Marina slip in Tarpon Springs at 1600.  Fiddled about cleaning boat, walking dogs etc., then had cocktails on board.  We left for a chance to explore area, pick up produce & whiskey (finished my hoarded bottle of scotch on Crystal River) and then a late but delicious dinner.  Turtle Cove is an amazing Marina, focused on small craft, as many as four hundred stored on racks, under cover, 4 boats high, with a new structure under construction to hold 250 more!  Boats are launched on demand.  Though they have 80 plus slips, there are few live aboards and transients are an afterthought.  But, staff friendly, facility well sheltered and centrally located, only a couple of blocks from sponge exchange.  After the rather rough day on Monday, I actually found today’s waters rather boring! While Bill “fiddled”, I walked the Girls through Tarpon Springs—still a pretty low-key town. At one time in Florida history, I believe in the 1890’s, it was the largest commercial center in Florida with its sponge industry. There are sponge shops all over, plus the usual Florida tourist shops and many small Greek restaurants. We returned to the Marina via a residential area---my usual scoping out an area while Bill “fiddles”. My desire to further explore the Historic District was satisfied with our walk to get Bill’s scotch (and found a fresh produce vendor to restock fruits and veggies). The neighborhoods are sprinkled with Greek Orthodox Churches—some active, some closed, some now residences and some for sale. We walked by colorful bungalows, stately Victorian homes, some $$$ homes. Many were overlooking Bayou’s, winter home to Manatees (no, I didn’t see any).  We had dinner at the Rusty Bellies-family owned. They also own the Seafood Market next door and catch their own seafood. Bill had wonderful crab cakes and I had Mediterranean Grouper.  Nice day and WARM and sunny.
Nature's Pruning aka Hurricanes

Private island campsite

Markers safely leading us out to the Gulf


Cormorant Motel

Nice home in Tarpon Springs

Sponge boat-for Tourists

Turtle Cove Marina Boat Storage

The Julie Ann - caught our dinner

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