Friday, May 17, 2013

Overland Looping 5/2-13/13

05/2-13/13 Another asphalt highway portion from the Loop’s water journey. We headed for Gainesville to stay with Pat (Bill’s sister) and Tom and pick up the Truck left there a few weeks earlier. While there, had the Girls groomed with a Lion Cut (I prefer the Florida Cut). Had debated on this but they were sooo hot in south Florida, it seemed the humane thing to do. Is essentially a buzz trim with head/neck/legs/tail left intact. They certainly look different and Haleigh actually looks skinny—who knew what wasn’t under all that Husky fur! Maybe I could get a buzz and look equally skinny! Our next stop is Ft Monroe and Elizabeth, Mike and Meridian for a 10-day stay J. Three of the days were spent at the Loopers Spring Rendezvous in Norfolk. In hindsight, this was not as much as a “must do” as last Fall’s in Alabama. After 4000 miles of Looping we have learned MUCH and there are so many resources, incl the Blogs of fellow Loopers, that we really didn’t need the informative seminars. However, we did get to visit with several of the Loopers we traveled the Rivers with—they all had crossed their wakes so are now Golden Loopers. And we met New Loopers who we probably will travel various segments of the rest of the Loop with. When not at the Rendezvous, we were enjoying family/Meridian time: Carousel riding, beach combing, Mother’s Day projects, stories and visiting the Front Porch Spa and having our nails done-Meridian has her own special technique. Leaving was made easier knowing we will be back by July 14 to assist with Life while Mike goes to the second of 2 Pre-command Course.
May 1 we had good evening/reunion with Jack, Denise and Beatriz from the Jade (met them on the Ohio River) and Hinnerk.

Hampton petting Farm

Slag Line Training

Special Momie/Daughter time

Who say's I am not mobile?!

Ffront Porch Nail Spa

Night-time Stories

Happy Mother's Day

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