Friday, May 17, 2013

LaBelle to South Bay on the Okeechobee Waterway (OWW)

05/16:  Spent Wed, 5/15/13, night at the free town dock in La Belle FL.  Required to use Med mooring (bow anchored off the dock with stern tied to dock.  Can fit more boats in same space that way and the dock held 8 though we were only one there).  Got relatively early start (0830) but were delayed at anchor due to what turned out to be an impossibly jammed windlass.  Finally gave up on repair, hand raised anchor and 60 feet of chain and departed La Belle at 0915 on a beautiful morning.  Had uneventful run down waterway, transited 2 more locks and entered L. Okeechobee at 1345.  At 1600, and after 52 miles from La Belle, we arrived in a superb little bay on the south shore of the lake at Mile Mark 103.  Had 360-degree protection from wind, current and wakes (not needed as was a calm night at anchor) and delightful surroundings.  And, FINALLY, we found Bonnie’s long sought gators.  I’ll leave it to her to describe the awesome collection of wildlife encountered. Sweeney’s and windlasses just do not seem to go together. We forever had problems with the one on the Elissanne. This one has had quirky moments but I could always tweek it into working. For those who don’t know what a windlass is---instead of hauling up that 60 feet of anchor chain  + feet of rope by hand (admit it is good daily strength training) and setting the anchor, all I have to do on the bow is step on an up or down button and voila, my bow work is done! This time no tweeking worked, so it’s manual for now. Not really a big deal if the anchor isn’t stuck and the weather, wind and waves are cooperating! This was a beautiful stretch of the OWW-especially for wildlife. Again, it is “Old Florida” so life on shore is less than glitzy. I finally saw the “eyes only” of a Gator as we cruised by, many different Herons and Egrets AND a Roseate Spoonbill!! Our anchorage was lovely-we were the only ones there, if you don’t count Gators and lots of wildlife. Watched a beautiful Great Blue Heron stalk for several hours a fish-unsuccessful! Got excited when I saw a big ball of fur foraging on the island’s shore. A wild boar?? Nope, just a very well fed raccoon! We had a short dinghy ride to the dock at South Bay State Park---great dock and area to walk the Girls=no marsh/underbrush hiding scaly things. There was a Gator lurking on shore and loudly plopped back into the water 10 ft from the dinghy as we cruised by (guess they also prefer to keep their distance). The evening was quiet with only loud nocturnal sounds—sounded like a Jamaican metal band of frogs! Dinner: Grilled hamburgers and sweet corn on the cob.   

Along the OWW

The long leafed ones are my rescued plants from the Living Oaks

Let that Lake water in!!

Florida range land

Lone Palm

MooreHaven Marina

Cool bridge


Roseate Spoonbill - the feathers are actually pink!

South Bay Anchorage--lovely

Sun shower hair washing!

Big Blue Heron

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