Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Suwannee FL 4/18-21/2013

04/18-21/2013 My Mother (this Florida trip was for her 90th Birthday) arrived with Ruby and Terry Brown around lunchtime. It was so nice being able to finally share our water home with my mother. For someone who says she can hardly move, she quite nimbly got on board! Following the Home Tour, we went to Roy’s for a great lunch. While Suwannee and Steinhatchee are not far apart as the crow flies, it is 60-90 min by car—but a scenic drive through “Old Florida” country. Friday morning dawned bright and sunny and Terry took us on a wonderful boat ride on the Suwannee River, its creeks and canals. My hunt for an alligator got only as close as noticing @ a 12 in “log” that was in the process of sinking while emitting small bubbles to the surface—did I or didn’t I? I did see my first White Ibis, plenty of turtles that remained on their logs as we cruised by, cypress swamps, flowers and banks of Elephant Ear plants (wish I could have dug them up as at home I pay $10 for 3 bulbs!). Mid-afternoon, my sister Michele and Chip and the Fab Five arrived-Matthew, 13, Gabriel, Jackson, Marya, all 11, and Sarah, 9, arrived! Let the fun begin! Saturday was very rainy so the day was spent enjoying time with each other, wii bowling-Sarah, Mom and Terry are champs, Words With Friends-Ruby, Michele and me- and eating (more on that later). Mid afternoon on Sunday we all went our separate ways, Hollisters back to Gainesville to get ready for FCATS (FL’s standardized testing) and the rest of us back to Steinhatchee to deliver us to the Elissa II. Re: eating a la Ruby: Ruby is renowned as a wonderful Southern cook and she certainly delivered with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, grits, sausage egg casserole, fried cubed stakes, fried potatoes, pecan pies, ham, mac and cheese, salad, spaghetti lasagna, cake, roast turkey, mashed potatoes, cornbread stuffing, green beans and ham, peach cobbler……and I can’t remember all the sides!! We all waddled away, comforted not only with our comfort food but also with the warmth of family and friends and a wonderful time-shared by everyone. Thank you Ruby and Terry!
Sarah bowled 214!

Sarah is exhausted

Ruby's delicious Turkey Dinner

The Martin-Sweeney's-Hollisters

Ruby with Matthew, Marya, Jackson and Gabriel

Our own "African Queen", aka Kathrine Hepburn/Barbara Martin

Suwannee River

White Ibis

Elephant Ears!!!!

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