Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 12, 2013 Bates Lake to Mobile AL

03/12:  Clear, crisp cold (34*).  Ladies dinghied dogs to shore for “business” while I checked oil/water levels, set up charts etc. On the way at 0840 CDT, on a beautiful sunny day.  Arrived at Turner Marine (about 12 miles south of Mobile on Mobile Bay) at 1505.  The end of our travels on the lakes and rivers of our heartland and back to salt water travels.  Will remain here thru Saturday while Bonnie & Donna attend RAMSCA meeting. This morning on Bates Lake was on of the prettiest anchorages, as you can tell from the picture below---or was it the lighting and the sky? The cruise down to Mobile had some interesting “spots”. One was an industrial site---I seem to be intrigued with what I call “Industrial Geometry”. Another was a Railroad Bridge that was 4 ft above the River and that we had to: 1. Wait for a train to go by and 2. For the bridge to rise for clearance for us to pass under.  It will rise to 55 ft above water. Hopefully my first attempt at a video of this will work on this Blog. Cruising through Mobile was interesting for the ships in dry docks, sea-going tankers being loaded, the “infamous” Carnival cruise ship Triumph still in for repairs, a minimalist skyline (3 tall buildings) and the shallow bay and narrow channel leading to Turner’s Marina-our home for the next 4 days. We settled in, had dinner: Chicken Burritos, met Hinnerk of the Paulinchen at the airport and were in bed almost by 11. 

Bates Lake

Industrial Geometry

US Navy Sleuth Ship?

Downtown Mobile

Carnival Triumph

Hinnerk - we first met on the Illinois River

The video didn't work on this first try-will work on this!

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