Sunday, May 26, 2013

St Augustine - Jacksonville - St John's River 5/22-25/13

05/22-23:  Away from MM 842 at 0730 on the way to St. Augustine and Bonnie’s sister & family.  Traveled most of way under partly cloudy skies, sporadic rain showers & pleasant temps. We left the ICW at MM 780 to travel @2.5 miles up the Sebastian River (navigation ends at .25 miles from US highway 1) and there we found the Hidden Harbor Marina…. (Great rates, $25/day, flat, any footage) short walk to old town St. Augustine, clean, sort of a Mom and Pop operation and very friendly, helpful Marina staff) Covered 65 miles and were at the dock at 1500. Spent that evening and Thursday with the Hollisters. Hidden Cove’s lack of frills is made up by the friendly staff (resident family with 7 y/o twins; live on their own 55 ft sloop) and the friendly “live-aboards”…..a neighborhood on the water. Wednesday, I went with Michele to her book club meeting-the book was Hopeless …the book was actually discussed for @15-20 min and the rest of the evening was enjoying camaraderie –for me new ones- and yummy food. Thursday morning Bill and I walked the streets of Old St Augustine. I have always loved this city, although as you walk through its heart, it is a small village. The morning was still cool and the colors vibrant. The mark that Henry Flagler left on this town, let alone East Florida, is staggering. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was truly like. Was he all work and no play? How fortunate Flagler College is to have “inherited the gorgeous Ponce de Leon Hotel. My first visit here was when my sisters were Toddlers and I was beginning my Army duties in San Francisco---the visit was a little bittersweet realizing it had been 47 years! Michele joined us  when we met our niece Shannon and her boyfriend Dave for lunch. That evening Michele took me to her Bunco Party for May. What fun again---some of the same friends but many new ones, for me. So many friends and family have Bunco parties—now I know why---you can actually play a game competitively yet socialize at the same time-perfect. Fun evening even though I won no $$ but did get a Bunko once! Bill grilled burgers and hot dogs for the Hollisters who remained at home.

Bridge repair

Another Florida boat who has seen better days

Flagler college, former Ponce de Leon Hotel

Memorial to Civil Rights Soldiers

One of The Bridge of Lions Lions

Bridge of Lions

05/24: We did leave early, at 0700 under cloudless skies and gentle breezes from the north.  I loved cruising by St Augustine by water – can tell by the number of pictures taken. There was a Spanish Carrabelle in the harbor---this is its last stop before returning to Spain. Tours aboard were offered. About half way to Jacksonville, along the Tomatolo River we overtook a blue & white north bound trawler.  As we approached her I checked her out with the binoculars and was shocked (pleasantly) to realize that she was the Betty L.  We first met on the northern reaches of the Illinois River while transiting the infamous ‘ELECTRIFIED FISH FENCE, the one supposed to keep Asian Carp out of L. Michigan.  Had great reunion over the VHF radio, cruised together until they continued on the ICW to Georgia and we turned onto the St John’s River toward Jacksonville.  At the intersection off the ICW and the St. Johns River the ICW turns right (north) on the way to Georgia and points north.  Betty L. turned right, on the way to her homeport in Sandwich, Mass.  We turned left to explore (albeit for a brief 5 days) the St. Johns R.  We will see them again in 2014 (maybe 2015) when we make our planned side trip to Mattapoisett MA to visit the Beve and Joe Gracia.  We arrived at Huckins Marine at 1530, met with staff concerning desired repairs-the windlass, and then left at 1600 for the Naval Air Station Jacksonville Marina.  While at Huckins we did get to see the Lapis Lazuli-a 65 ft trawler recently purchased by our Brazilian friends on the trawler Jade (now for sale)—we met on the Ohio last September and most recently had dinner together at Ft Myers. We docked there at 1715 after a run of 72 miles and 9 hours.  Meeting the Betty L was truly a jaw dropper!! Last saw them at the October 2012 Fall Rendezvous in Alabama. They went on to Chattanooga and we continued to head toward Mobile! The marshes and the homes along this part of the ICW continue to fascinate. These homes were understated elegance with lovely gardens and boat docks with quite impressive outdoor kitchens and living areas. Cruising through downtown Jacksonville is kind of cool. There is the Jaguar (boo-hiss) stadium and the downtown Jacksonville Landings. My sister Nancy had gallery showings here and always hoped we would enjoy a stroll, meal and time together there. What I missed with her, we will make up with Florida family when we return to Jacksonville on our way back to the ICW in late June. The Jacksonville NAS marina is all new with concrete/floating docks….very nice with, especially the $9/night dockage. Another military benefit we didn’t think of when we both raised our hands in 1963!!
The Betty L from Sandwich, MA

ICW Boat dock

Pacifica from Vienna, Austria

Lots of Proud Marines on the ICW

A more modest ICW Dwelling

Tropical Pink

Might as well fish while waiting to help someone aground!

A wee bit of pride displayed

05/25:  Away at 0805 from NAS JAX Marina (SJRMM 26); a magnificent day, cool, sunny, moderate east winds (on the beam as we were heading mostly south).  At 1005 we pulled into a Marina advertising “best fuel prices on the River”.  That was true, but their best wasn’t all that great!  Back on the way at 1100 for a 3.5 hour run to the town of Palatka where we tied up (free) at the town docks.  We stopped because we both had memories of driving past Palatka on many occasions AND because today was the annual Palatka Blue Crab Festival, happened to be in the Park at the Town Docks.  Bought dinner (crab cakes, Jambalaya, grilled shrimp) to go and left about 1700 for a 45 minute run to an absolutely superb anchorage on Murphy Creek off of the St. Johns R.  On the hook & relaxing by 1745.  For the day, 67 miles and 7.75 hours under way.  For this leg (Columbus, MS to here) 1,598 miles, for the whole Loop since July, 2010, 5,402 miles.  This anchorage is pristine, only others were the bass boats that fly by well into dark-obviously know the water and the crab pots! This creek is known for its wildlife, especially gators. Well, saw Osprey, Wood Ducks in their breeding plumage, heard owls and saw one turtle! 

Palatka Blue Crab Festival

On the water vehicle storage???

Murphy Creek

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