Friday, May 17, 2013

Return to Ft Myers beach 5/14/13

05/14:  Finally, back on board.  Arrived @1400, boat still on the hard awaiting part (prop to repair bow thruster).  Since we had no place to sleep the night except the boat, Diversified Yacht Services turned on the speed.  Prop installed and boat in slip an ready to go by 1700.  We stowed our gear, tidied up a bit and finished just in time to host Hinnerk & his girlfriend, Kinga (visiting from Zurich; a lovely lady w/great charm & sense of humor).  We partied (Hinnerk’s Pina Coladas, then steak, sweet corn & wine, lots of wine.  Party ended at midnight (unheard of for sleepy Loopers, but was fun to break tradition). Our stop in St Augustine to leave the truck at my sister Michele's, made for a fun overnighter! Once back in Ft Myers Beach the Elissa II, was, of course not in the water so we enjoyed watching the process. I am always intrigued when I watch our boat hauled in/out of the water. The lift operators always make it look so easy. If one has to part with $$$ when essential boat repairs are made, DYS was one of the nicest, customer friendly places to do so----they even reached out to the Girls with water, treats and offers to let them stay in the office while final work was done! Meeting with Hinnerk is always fun (we have said goodbye so many times, only to see him again when his plans change) and this time it also was a pleasure to finally meet Kinga who has flown in from Zurich on many occasions and to many places to meet him on his Loop travels over the past 3 years.

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