Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 11, 2013 Bobby's fish Camp to Bates Lake

03/11:  Departed in rain squall and gusty winds, conditions that persisted for most of the 68 mile, 6 hour run to Bates Lake (no relation to the Downton Manor Bates) our last stop before Mobile Bay, Turners Boatyard and the RAMSCA Convention for Bonnie & Donna.  We hope to arrive early afternoon tomorrow.  The RAMSCA meeting is all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday so I will finish whatever boat clean-up we don’t get done before then (there is a lot to clean up, mostly river mud  crud) along with some needed maintenance.  Tuesday night we hope to pick up our German Looper friend Hinnerk at the Mobile Air Port.  He is returning to his boat (in the Turner Yards as well) and will resume the loop in a week or so.  For us, it is off Sunday AM to Fairhope, FL to visit Bonnie’s cousin Jennifer, then onto Pensacola where we will enjoy a reunion with Bill’s Burtonwood England Army buddies.  Today reminded me how really blessed we have been with the weather all along our Looping. Except for when the Sweeney brothers returned the Elissa II to Michigan from Lake Ontario in 2010, we have had very few rain days. Since September 2012 we have had none when underway except for today! As we entered Coffeeville Lock (our last lock-71st incl the Trent Severn’s and 29th since Chicago) it was pouring and a-blowing. Due to good helmsmanship (Bill), I easily got  the line around the floating bollard. Hanging on and keeping the Elissa II next to the wall as we descended was a challenge-my strength/balance training for the day! Bates Lake is a quiet anchorage with many private rustic homes along the shore. During the season, this must be quite an active community. We dinghied to a private dock – have never done this before but prior Loopers with pets have so…. – to walk the girls. None of the homes appeared to have residents so told the girls to be quick about it! There were signs of recent flooding – flood lines and MUDMUDMUD. Sweeney-Rohs girls, this would have made a perfect stage for “cruddy, cruddy, muddy”! Rummaged in the freezer and located a leftover-from home - thawed in the microwave (which I thought in 2010 I’d never use J), heated on the stove and Voila: Italian pot roast with pasta and tossed salad, complemented with Old Vine Zin and followed with Cookies and Cream Ice Cream.
Coffeeville Lock

Blowin' Hard-yah for foul weather gear!

See the flood mudline on trees

Happy, and relieved, puppies

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